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Eric Hesch - What is a Capsule Endoscopy?

· capsule endoscopy

According to Eric Hesch, a capsule endoscopy is used to record images of the digestive tract. The procedure involves a small capsule that contains a tiny camera, which takes pictures of the gastrointestinal tract after being swallowed. This allows doctors to examine the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, specifically focusing on the middle part that contains the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

broken image

Capsule endoscopies are done to check out the small intestine, as this part of the bowel cannot be accessed by a traditional colonoscopy or upper endoscopy. There are many reasons for performing a capsule endoscopy, such as detecting inflammatory bowel disease, polyps, ulcers or tumors. However, the most common reason for performing this procedure is to search for bleeding in the small intestine.

During the procedure, the doctor will apply a sensor device to the abdomen that has adhesive sleeves, which are similar to tape. Then the “pill-sized” capsule is swallowed by the patient and should go through the digestive tract naturally while sending video images to a data recorder attached to a belt the patient wears. This will happen for around eight hours, so you can leave the doctor’s office and return later so that the doctor can collect the data and images. Then the doctor will review the images on a computer screen and give a diagnosis later.

Eric Hesch notes that most patients find this procedure to be very comfortable, as all you have to do is wear a belt and swallow a small pill.